My Compassion Kids

Monday, November 5, 2012

Monday Mail Call!

This is my first "Monday Mail Call" post- I've been reading Blogging from the Boonies for a long time, and have finally remembered to post on the right day! From now on, I'd like to make this a regular feature on my blog. I've been posting my letters from my kids on facebook for two years now. Hopefully I will remember to share those letters on Mondays here, too.  : )

In the last week, I got two letters from Tasya, our sponsor child in Indonesia. Tasya always writes the absolute sweetest letters. These letters were dated in July, which means it took about a month longer than usual for them to arrive, but I'm just thankful they made it to my mailbox!

Mother beloved, 
My family and I were fine. I celebrate Easter with joyful and simple. We go to church together, we also find Easter egg (Easter game.) But what we [are] grateful for is that Jesus has won, and the salvation becomes the part of my life. I pray for mama and family. God bless. 

With love, 

I'm here fine and so does with my family. 
Does mother fine? [That sentence was highlighted for emphasis!!]
My aunt will [be] getting married. 
I'm here also have two dogs. I love to see the rat picture that mama sent to me. I have also a little sibling, cute and love me. 
I hope I can hear some news from mama. I pray for mama and Father Brandon. God bless!
With love, Tasya

We also recently received our final letter from Tae, printed on special goodbye stationery (which was very sad.) I'm so thankful that I was able to send him a final letter, and that he took the time to write to me one last time.

Dear Jessi, 
Hello, I'm so glad to write to you again. How are you doing? I'm doing well. Thank you so much for supporting me with well always. I've worked with parents now and I've got money from working too. So I would like to open this opportunity for you to support other poor child who can't make money by themselves like me. Thank you again for all good chances from you. 
During my time in the project, I was taken care with well from project staffs. They visited me always too. I was developed and learnt to take care of myself. Please pray for me in working too and I'll pray for you as well. 
May God bless you, 

These children are the biggest blessings of my life!

1 comment:

  1. What great letters!!! That's so neat that Tasya said that Jesus has of my girls told me that Jesus is her hero...isn't it so encouraging to hear things like that? And how sweet of Tae to say that he would like you to support another child who can't make money like he can. It sounds like you made an impact in his life during the time that you were able to correspond with him!


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