My Compassion Kids

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

30 Days of Thankfulness- Seasons

I have misplaced my list of the things I was going to post about this month. I know that this topic wasn't on my list, but I still think it's a good one, and I'm glad it popped into my head this morning. I am thankful for the changes we have in the weather, and I'm also thankful that I live in a place that has all four seasons!

I know a lot of people don't even stop to think about it, but quite a few places in the world only have two seasons- wet and dry. In Kentucky, and most of the rest of the country, we have four.

Winter is my favorite season, mostly because I like blankets and Christmas. Winter can be annoying, when your hands are cold and you have to scrape your car before you go anywhere in the morning, but it's really nice, too. Winter will be a nice break from the excruciatingly hot summer we had. In the winter, you don't have to worry about watering your plants outside, or mowing your grass. You can put pretty decorations all over your house, even if you don't celebrate Christmas- there are plenty of sparkly winter decorations out there I'd like to put up in November and keep on display through February! Winter is fun because there's snow. Most of my sponsor children have never seen snow! One said "but we've heard about it and saw it in a movie." I know there are places in the US that don't get snow, either, but at least those people are probably more familiar with it. Snow is exciting, if you don't have to go anywhere. And of course Christmas is the best part- I love baking things and giving presents and making people happy. I bake things for people all year long to make them happy, but there's just something special about holiday giving. It's exciting.

Autumn is a nice season because you just had hot, nasty summer, and you remember how nice it is to wear long pants and jackets. Autumn has pumpkin-picking and hay rides (which make my nose bleed), and pretty leaves on the trees. Autumn has apple cider, which is heavenly. Autumn is back-to-school time, which, for students, is exciting for about five seconds. I like that time of year, though, because I like all the cheap school supplies and crayons and thing. I like looking at school supplies and back packs. When I am a mom, I will enjoy back-to-school shopping (even if my kids are home-schooled.)

Summer is ok. Summer is not the most fun season for me because I have a lot of trouble breathing in the heat, and I have more problems with my stomach. I can't go out in the middle of the day because it makes me sick. But summer has good points, too. If you're a kid, summer is great because school lets out. Summer vacations are fun (not that Brandon and I ever take them, but someday we will.) Summer means ice cream and tank tops and sandals, all of which are things I like. And summer usually means that allergies are alleviated and scary weather comes to an end, but unfortunately that wasn't true of this summer.

Spring is nice because after a while, winter starts to get annoying and you miss green grass and flowers and not having to wear a coat all the time. Spring is nice because that's a really good time to visit the zoo (exception: spring break), which is one of our favorite things to do. Spring means bunnies in the yard, and Easter, which, even though the ways we celebrate are weird (still celebrating the pagan aspects while getting all gussied up for church), it really is the most important holiday because of what it celebrates. Christmas wouldn't be important without Easter. Easter is the whole point. Easter means the good guy wins. Easter means victory over death, and hope for the future. Easter means heaven someday, reunions with our loved ones, and meeting the creator of the universe face to face. Spring may mean scary weather (tornadoes) and murderous seasonal allergies, but spring has a lot of good to offer, too.

So there is my un-planned post. I am thankful for the seasons. I'm thankful I get to see the brilliant orange and red leaves on the trees, and see the frosty patterns on my windows, and feel the warm sun on my shoulders, and see the pretty blue and white flowers in my flower beds. Yay for seasons.

This is from the ice storm we had in 2009. We didn't really have any snow last year- hopefully we will get some this year!

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