My Compassion Kids

Saturday, November 24, 2012

30 Days of Thankfulness- Finances

Every day I am thankful for our financial security. Every single day. Some days I may feel a little unsure about things, and we have scary moments here and there, but I am so thankful for what we do have. I’m thankful that I earn enough at my job that we can get by with me only working part-time. I’m thankful for every minute that Brandon works, and every cent he earns, because without him and his hard work, we’d be sunk. I’m thankful that we can pay our bills on time (and if we have an emergency, which has happened a few times, I’m thankful for our family members who have helped us out!) I’m thankful that the only debt we have is a mortgage and student loans. I’m thankful we don’t have credit cards, and we have excellent credit scores. I’m thankful that we can buy groceries and feed our pets, and I’m thankful that we are slowly but surely rebuilding our savings, so hopefully not too long after I recover from surgery we can get back to actively pursuing adoption. I’m thankful for what we have been blessed with, and I’m thankful that my dear husband is such a good manager of our finances, too!

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