My Compassion Kids

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

With a thankful heart

Last November there was a bit of a trend on facebook called "30 Days of Thankfulness", or maybe it was "gratitude." The point was to challenge participants to post a status every day, each day writing a unique post about something you're thankful for. I participated in the challenge last year, and it was a lot of fun. At the end of the month, I found myself wishing I could commit to post something I'm thankful for every day, even in months that don't contain Thanksgiving. It made me sad that I didn't think I could do it- or that I wouldn't feel like doing it, or whatever. But for the last year, I have been looking forward to participating in this 30 day challenge again. This year, I will be posting on facebook, but I will also be writing a blog post each day (Lord willing) so I can go into a little more detail about some things.

So, starting tomorrow, I will be a regular, frequent blogger again, at least for the next month. I'm looking forward to sharing my gratitude with you, and it would be cool if you'd participate, too!

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