My Compassion Kids

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Quincy Jones passed away peacefully in her home September 17 at the age of 2 years and 5 months, after battling a long illness.
Quincy, born in Jeffersontown on April 15, 2010, was one of a litter of octuplets. She spent all but the first five weeks of her life living with her two adoptive parents, and her sister Monster. Always known for being outgoing and affectionate, Quincy spent much of her youth and adulthood climbing to surprising heights, and spending time where she was not actually supposed to be (in the couch, on the windowsill, up someone's pant leg.)
Quincy's proudest accomplishment was defeating the monster that so many Americans battle on a daily basis- obesity. Quincy struggled with obesity for many months, earning her the nickname "Big Fat Meanie", for her habit of pilfering the food of her sisters. Through a strict diet, though, she was able to get down to a healthy weight once again.
Though Quincy spent much of the last six weeks quite ill, she fought her way back from a stroke, partial blindness, and an inability to eat her regular food. In her final days she was allowed to break her diet and enjoy cookies, pizza, and peanut butter fudge.
Though she was frail in the time before her death, Quincy's family knows she would want to be remembered as the sweet, healthy rat she once was, who gave kisses and liked to have her belly rubbed. She will be greatly missed.

Baby Quincy, the day I got her. 

Having a bit of egg, as a treat

Riding around on my foot

Best buddies. Exploring the world together. 


After she ate her noodle, she took Monster's noodle, too. 

Not supposed to be on the windowsill!

Baby Quincy hiding in her igloo

They used to have hammocks. Then they peed all over them and chewed them up. 

Taken a few weeks ago. I miss her so much.

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