My Compassion Kids

Saturday, January 7, 2012

New year, new home

Hi everyone!

I know it's been a while. That's because I don't have the internet. It's a long and depressing tale centering around the incompetence and soullessness of AT&T's employees. They're probably all gingers. But I digress.

Brandon and I have moved into our new house, after some hectic days of uncertainty. There were a few paperwork issues regarding our house (not our fault, stuff from several years ago that was actually cleared up in 2004, and again in 2008.) But we closed on the afternoon of Friday, December 23, and moved out of our apartment on Christmas Eve. It was definitely the busiest holiday I think I've ever had. We started moving a little before 8 in the morning and I think the last of the stuff was placed in our new home around 2:30 in the afternoon. Then pretty much everyone went home and I stared at the boxes (and boxes and boxes...) while my sweet husband sat on the couch. I got things looking decent in time to head to Brandon's maternal grandparents' house for Christmas Eve. We ate and opened gifts and sat around for a bit, then headed back to the house while I continued to clean and put things away. Again, Brandon sat. It's ok, though- he worked really hard moving furniture and boxes and made about a dozen trips back and forth between our old home and our new home. I'm sure he was tired.

The next morning, my parents and my brother came over. All my life I've had Christmas morning with them and my mom's parents. Mimi and Pappaw didn't come over this year because Christmas was on a Sunday and Pappaw teaches Sunday school. After breakfast we went to church. After church we went to spend time with my dad's side of the family. After that we went straight to Brandon's dad's parents' house and spent time with that part of the family. Then we left there and went to my aunt's house. Then we went back home and Brandon's family came over. Christmas went by so quickly this year, and aside from the presents and copious amounts of fudge, it didn't feel very Christmas-y. The weather has been disturbingly warm almost every day this winter, and I didn't get my Christmas decorations up until Christmas Eve (I didn't see much of a point in decorating the apartment since we would be leaving it before the actual holiday.) I had a good Christmas, though. I'm very thankful to have my house. I am also thankful to live so close to so much of my family. Holidays are busy times for us because there are soooo many people to see, but really that's a good thing. An overwhelming majority of my family (and Brandon's) lives in Louisville. Quite a few of us cover the same few zip codes, too. So it's a good thing.

We didn't do anything special for New Year's. We ordered a pizza but technically that was our anniversary dinner (a day early) and watched The Office on DVD. It was a good time. We're pretty low key...most of the time. We celebrated our second anniversary on the 2nd of this month. Go, us! That's 10.5 times longer than Kim Kardashian was married, just FYI.

And that's all I have to say at the moment. Figured I'd better get the details on here while I had the opportunity.

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