My Compassion Kids

Thursday, January 19, 2012

My New Year's Resolution

For the past several weeks, I have been getting some crafts together and doing some research, preparing to put my New Year's Resolution into action. I kind of have an unusual one this year. While most people are trying to lose weight or save money or whatever, I'm trying to start a family. Brandon and I would like to pursue an international adoption this year- without incurring any debt. Now, my goal is not to complete the adoption process by the end of the year. But I would like to be a respectable way into it by Christmas. I'm thinking that we'd like to have at least a home study done by the end of the year. If we weren't trying to do the debt-free thing, I'd set a higher goal. But the process takes time and money, so my big thing for this year is trying to save as much as I can, to put toward the process. I'm also going to be fundraising by selling crafts on an Etsy store. So far I only have one item listed, but I've got several more ready to post, and a lot of stuff that's halfway completed. I'd really appreciate it if my readers would check it out, and share with their friends!

My Etsy store can be found here.

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