My Compassion Kids

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Blog Challenge: Day 8

Today I have been instructed to tell you my least favorite thing about the holidays.

I guess there are two "least favorite things". One is that I don't have bajillions of dollars to get everybody what I really want to get them for Christmas. I think I do a pretty good job picking out gifts anyway.

The second least favorite thing about the holidays is the feeling I get near the end of every "event" on Christmas. For instance, it's very exciting to sit down and prepare to hand out gifts at my parents' house on Christmas morning. The opening of gifts is great, too, and so is breakfast and sitting down to watch a little bit of whatever DVDs we got. But then Pappaw starts to doze off (and dad, usually, too) and mom has to clean up the kitchen and Jonathan has retreated to his room to play video games, and all that's left to do is sit and wait to go over to Mammaw's house. Those moments after the excitement has passed are kind of downers. We move on to the next fun thing, and then there's another down moment. And of course the biggest down moment of all is the day after Christmas. I wish we really could do what the gang on Sesame Street says and keep Christmas with us all through the year, but life just doesn't work that way. It's a shame.

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