My Compassion Kids

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Blog Challenge: Day 3

Today's theme for the blog challenge is:
The most meaningful/best gift I've received.

I'm ashamed to say that I'm having a hard time thinking of the "best" gift that I've ever received. Most Christmases the bulk of my presents end up being movies and books, which are honestly two things I love. I have been blessed with family members that are (for the most part) really good shoppers. You know those relatives you might see on movies that just go to the mall and buy something random and put it in a bag without putting any thought into it? I don't think I have relatives like that. Everyone really tries hard to get something that will mean something to the other person, whether it's something they really want, or something that just completely fits their interests that it makes a wonderful surprise.
I don't mean to sound ungrateful or anything by not being able to think of one particularly awesome gift. I think that each year, the Christmas presents I receive (and the ones I give, I hope) are really appreciated because they're very thoughtful.
The most recent example I can think of is what my aunt gave me last year for Christmas. Most people who know me know that I love animals, and my favorite animal happens to be the walrus (weird, I know). Walruses are so hard to find in merchandise (toys, Christmas ornaments, etc.) that when one is found, it's a cause for great excitement. Like when I found little poorly constructed plush walruses in the "Dollar Spot" at Target a few weeks ago. I was thrilled and quite proud of myself and bought two, one for me and one for my best friend. Anyway, my aunt knows that I love walruses so she came up with a really cool gift. She "adopted" a walrus in my name from the World Wildlife Fund. It's cool enough that a donation was made in my honor that will go to helping and protecting my favorite animal, but I also got a stuffed walrus with it. She also got Brandon and myself a zoo membership so we can go see animals in person (we love the zoo!)

So there's an example of a thoughtful, meaningful gift that made my Christmas pretty cool. I'm blessed enough to be able to say that every year my friends and family put a lot of work into making my Christmases happy. :)

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