My Compassion Kids

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Time, time, time

In August, I couldn't wait for September. August is boring. I mean, my best friend's birthday is in August, which is nice. But other than that, August serves no purpose. Some people went back to school (I didn't.) Some people went on vacation (I didn't.) It was hot outside. All throughout August, I thought "I wish September were here." The weather would be nicer. It would seem more like autumn. Things would be better.

In September, I couldn't wait for October. I figured out that nothing happens in September. The weather did not get cooler. There were a few family birthdays, which was nice. But other than that, September was boring. All throughout the month, I thought "If only October would hurry up and get here." Surely the weather would improve by October. My parents' birthdays are in October, in the middle of the month. So after we celebrate those, it's all downhill til Halloween. I've always thought Halloween was a fun holiday. I like looking at the costumes and decorations, even though I haven't dressed up or gone to a party since 10th grade, I think. And then of course during Halloween week, stores will start to put out the Christmas stuff. I love the Christmas stuff.

The weather didn't change, and now October is here, and mostly over, and I'm more than ready for November. But I think I've already decided I want December to be here. Really. November is boring. More family birthdays (which is nice!) but all of November is basically a countdown to Thanksgiving, which no one really cares about (other than time off work) because they're all waiting for Black Friday, to buy things for Christmas. Forget the 12 days of Christmas, or advent calendars- the Christmas countdown really starts on the last Friday of November.

I have no idea why I want the year to be over in such a hurry. Before I know it, it'll be January, and Brandon and I will have been married for a whole year (which is just surreal) and then I'll start daydreaming about the months to come. "I wish it were February- January is cold and dreary." "I wish it were March- then things will be more exciting." "I wish it were April- then it will feel like spring." "I wish it were May- I'm ready for my birthday!" "I wish it were June- after my birthday, pretty much nothing happens in May." "I wish it were July- June is so boring."

You get the idea.

I guess when life is as steady and, well, dull as mine is (stay home all day til time to go to work, repeat), I want things to move a little bit faster.

1 comment:

  1. and one day, when your children are grown, you'll wish those days passed just a little slower. :)


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