My Compassion Kids

Monday, October 4, 2010


In the words of my friend Lindsay, fall has flaked out on us.

I hate summer. I really do. It's hot and sticky and gross. I hate it so much. Summer is so much worse than winter, in my opinion, because you can always add more layers to stay warm in winter- but there's only so much you can take off in summer! And even if you were standing in your refrigerator in your skivvies, you'd still probably be hot. I'm telling you, summer is terrible. This summer has been especially lame. Here in the Ohio Valley, plant spores and pollens regularly try to murder us. We are notorious for our allergens. It's terrible. During the summer, I usually get a bit of a break from the allergy nastiness, but not this year. It has been constantly annoying and sickening since March, I think. I have been desperately awaiting the fall. Fall is nice because that means it's almost Christmas. The weather is definitely cooler, but not freezing yet. It's pretty much the only time of year that I'm willing to go outside (ha). And yet, I think we have skipped over autumn this year. Really. The leaves started changing a week or two ago, but it was still freakishly hot outside. Sometimes it's sort of cool in the mornings, but then by the afternoon, it would be gross again. No opportunity to wear longer sleeved shirts. Then we come to two days ago- Saturday. It was COLD in the morning. Not cold enough to snow, or whatever, but still. There is no middle ground. It was freezing compared to the past several months. My dear husband, bless him, wore gloves on his way to work. No jacket, mind you. Just gloves. And an undershirt (he refuses to put on his uniform shirt until he gets to work. He hates collars. Mmhmm.) He looked silly. I kept my hoodie on all day. It was cold! And I didn't go outside yesterday, but I can tell you it's freezing in my apartment this morning. I won't go anywhere without a blanket. I'm wearing my fuzzy socks. Brr.

So where did you go, fall? You fickle thing. We were waiting for you, and you decided not to show up. Just skip right into winter, apparently. Thanks so much. : P

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