My Compassion Kids

Friday, September 3, 2010

Show me "potato salad!"

We have a busy weekend ahead of us! I'm not sure how I feel about that.
Yesterday was Brandon's dad's birthday, and everyone went out to dinner, I think- except Brandon and I couldn't go because we were at work. So we are supposed to go out to eat tonight, at Cheddar's. I've never been there but they recently built one a bit closer to us than the other one in Louisville, so we're going to try it out. I'm a little nervous about going out to eat because I had a stomach bug earlier this week. Hopefully everything will be ok.
Tomorrow we are going to a wedding at 11:30. I've never been to a morning wedding before! There's going to be a brunch reception afterwards. That should be fun. And after that, Brandon and I are both off for the rest of the day.
Then Sunday everyone is going to "the farm", aka Brandon's grandparents' house. I'm not so sure I will go because they will be there for a long time and I know that if I needed to go home, Brandon would not want to take me. So I may just stay here. I don't know yet.
And finally there's Monday, which is Labor Day (I think. I always get Labor Day and Memorial Day mixed up.) Mammaw is planning on having a cookout, which is good. I like the fact that I won't have to cook very much this weekend. :) Hopefully with three days off in a row I will be able to catch up on the things I haven't been doing since I've been sick. Some parts of the apartment are a bit messy, I'm afraid. There are always dishes to wash, and the bathrooms need to be cleaned, and the dining room table is covered with stuff, and everything needs to be vacuumed and dusted. Yuck.

Other than the things coming up this weekend, not much has been going on in our usual. Brandon never heard back about the job he applied for like, three months ago. We don't know if he's going to be ready to take his actuarial exam in November...I hope he does because after that it'll be January before he can take it again. And he hasn't been studying very much (shh...don't tell him I said that.) I hope that we can get this out of the way soon so he can move on to bigger and better things and make a little more money so we won't feel so swamped all the time.

I hope everyone has a happy and relaxing Labor Day weekend!

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