My Compassion Kids

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Hopefully it won't be as cold this time.

Can I just say that I am pretty excited? Sure I can.

Mom and dad decided that they want a vacation this fall. I totally agree with them- we didn't take a vacation last year-saving vacation time for the wedding, I guess- and we are vacation people. We have at least gone somewhere for a long weekend pretty much every year since the beginning of time. Sometimes, you just need a break. Anyway, they have decided to go to Disney World, and I am invited along. This in itself is exciting enough- because I love Disney World and I've never been there in the fall, and they'll have Halloween decorations and everything. But it is super exciting because I invited Kelli and she found out the other day that she will be able to go! So I am super pumped! I am trying hard not to think about it too much, because the more I plan something, the more the actual event deviates from my plans, and I end up a little disappointed. But it's hard not to- even though it's seven months and seventeen days away.

But what about my husband? Well, he doesn't want to go. He does not vacation very often. And he had fun when we went to Disney World, but he's not obsessed with it or anything. Plus if he is still working at the same job, he doesn't get vacation time, meaning he'd miss a week's pay. So he really doesn't want to go. He doesn't mind if I go, but he does tease me a little about spending the money on the trip. All we have to pay for is our tickets and food, so I did some math and found if I save $10 a week I should have more than enough. That just means I can't buy as much junk at the grocery store. It's an excercise in frugality. And practicality. Yeah, that sounds good.

I'm sure I will post more about this excitement as the actual event draws closer, but for now I just wanted to vent some of my happiness.

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