My Compassion Kids

Sunday, February 14, 2010


We've never really been ones to go all out for Valentine's day. I don't know why. But even though it was our first Valentine's Day as a married couple, things have been pretty low key. We started out the day by being awoken at 2:30 a.m. by our inconsiderate, imbecile neighbors downstairs. I think they are starting a garage band, sans garage. The music lasted until at least 5 a.m. Of course, I was furious. Around 4:30 I even went and got my personal CD player and found a CD that usually puts me to sleep, and turned it almost all the way up. I could still hear the music from downstairs. During the fun and exciting time I spent awake in the middle of the night, I wrote another formal complaint letter to the superintendent and left a message on the answering machine (because it has time stamps) letting them know what was going on. This is the eighth or ninth time we have been bombarded by noise from below, but we officially complained for the first time on Thursday. We were told by the lady working in the office that day that after we dropped off our complaint letter, they would send a notice to our neighbors, and if that didn't accomplish anything, they would "take things further". Bring it on, I say. I've tried giving them the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they really are stupid enough to not see anything wrong with playing drums and the bass loudly in the middle of the night in an apartment. But we can't take it anymore. We have jobs and responsibilities and in order to perform them competently, we need some sleep. Also, this whole ordeal is seriously stressing me out.

Anyway, once it was time to get up for real, we opened presents (I got a book, Brandon got a DVD), went to church, which was pretty good. It had nothing to do with Valentine's Day. Then we came home and had leftovers for lunch and read or played video/computer games until time for Brandon's basketball game (they just lost.) After that I picked up dinner from Outback, using a gift card we got for Christmas. If we didn't have it, it would have been leftovers again.

So all in all, Valentine's Day has been like any other day. Except we got to have carry out. We will probably spend the evening doing laundry and dishes (ok, that is how I will spend the evening) and watch a movie from the library later on. Even though there wasn't much special about today, I was glad to spend it with my husband!

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