My Compassion Kids

Saturday, January 23, 2010

It's glee club. Not crunk club.

Brandon and I love watching movies and TV together. We have tons of DVDs and are collecting some of our favorite shows so we can watch them any time we want, even when they're not on the air anymore. We have the Cosby show, LOST, House, whatever Stargate series it is that he likes (yawn) and are working on a few others. We recently finished watching the first DVD set of my current favorite show, Glee! I love that show so much- it's my favorite thing on TV. I think Brandon liked it, since he voluntarily started the DVD a few times and seemed to enjoy watching it, which makes me happy. The only sad thing about finishing it is that Glee doesn't come back on the air until April 13th! Until then, I don't know that there's anything good on, except LOST, but that's not exactly uplifting or anything. Oh well. If you haven't watched Glee yet, I really recommend it!

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