My Compassion Kids

Saturday, January 23, 2010

It's glee club. Not crunk club.

Brandon and I love watching movies and TV together. We have tons of DVDs and are collecting some of our favorite shows so we can watch them any time we want, even when they're not on the air anymore. We have the Cosby show, LOST, House, whatever Stargate series it is that he likes (yawn) and are working on a few others. We recently finished watching the first DVD set of my current favorite show, Glee! I love that show so much- it's my favorite thing on TV. I think Brandon liked it, since he voluntarily started the DVD a few times and seemed to enjoy watching it, which makes me happy. The only sad thing about finishing it is that Glee doesn't come back on the air until April 13th! Until then, I don't know that there's anything good on, except LOST, but that's not exactly uplifting or anything. Oh well. If you haven't watched Glee yet, I really recommend it!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Enchilada time!

Our first technically cooked meal at the apartment was the other night (things like chili dogs don't count), and we had enchiladas. They are quite delicious, so I am sharing the recipe with you. This recipe is adapted from one given to us by our friend (and mom's co-worker) Katie A.

Cheesy Chicken Enchiladas

1 bag shredded Velveeta brand cheese
1 package flour tortillas
1 can enchilada sauce
1 package Chi-Chi's brand shredded chicken for tacos (usually found in the meat section of the grocery, near barbecue)
1 8 oz. package cream cheese (preferably Philadelphia, as it melts better)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Empty container shredded chicken and cream cheese into large saucepan or nonstick pan. Heat on medium heat and stir until cream cheese is completely melted and chicken has creamier consistency. Remove from heat. Fill each flour tortilla with a heaping scoop of the filling and roll burrito-style (fold in sides, and roll up from bottom). Place each rolled enchilada in a single layer in a 9x13 inch pan. Pour entire can of enchilada sauce over enchiladas to completely cover them. Sprinkle entire bag (or maybe a little less) of the Velveeta cheese over the enchiladas. Place pan in oven and bake 10-15 minutes, until enchiladas are heated through and cheese is melted. Serve with sour cream, if desired [I desire a lot of sour cream!].

This is also a really good make ahead meal, as you can assemble the enchiladas the night before and just heat it up whenever you're ready. They're quite delicious and easy to make!

Monday, January 18, 2010

It's a world of laughter, a world of...sniffles...

Here are some pictures of our honeymoon to Disney World! Sorry we are so late getting them on here, but they were all on my computer, which was disconnected from the world until very recently.

My aunt had a surprise waiting for us at the resort- personalized Disney towels, and a chocolate Mickey Mouse shaped box filled with Mickey candy that said things like "celebrate", "magic", and "wish"!

The Christmas decorations were still up in all the parks, which was really neat. Each park had a huge, unique Christmas tree, in addition to all the wreaths and garlands throughout the park.

We stayed at the Pop Century resort, which had a pop culture theme from the Fifties, Sixties, Seventies, Eighties, and Nineties. There were shadowboxes in the lobby with all sorts of memorabilia, and of course, I immediately spotted Barry Manilow.

The two of us at Magic Kingdom.

We saw tons of animals at the Animal Kingdom, since it was chilly and we went to the safari ride first thing in the morning. Most of the pictures turned out blurry, though.

I met Minnie Mouse at Hollywood Studios. She was excited when she saw my "Just Married" button!

It was cold when we were in Florida! It didn't really warm up until the last day we were there, but the night after we left, it snowed!

I also met Mary Poppins at EPCOT. It would have been cooler if it was Julie Andrews.

Even though it was pretty cold (in the forties most of the time we were there, which feels a lot colder when you're standing outside from 8:45 to 6 or so...) and I would up with a cold, and then Brandon is kind of sniffly now, we had lots of fun! It was Brandon's first trip to Disney World, and I think he liked all the animals. He took a few hundred pictures of the creatures at the aquarium in EPCOT, and more at the Animal Kingdom park. There was virtually no waiting for the rides before lunch, and afterwards, we did have to wait, but not as long as we would have if we'd gone in the summer. Though it was lots of fun, and I love Disney World, I think I will be happy to wait a while before going back!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Looks like we made it!

We are home! After cold weather, sniffling, coughing, and many delayed flights, we are finally home. I will post more updates later, when I get the pictures organized, but right now I am just happy to be home!